AbstractAccording to the research by the World Health Organisation (WHO), 36 million people die each year due to various health problems. However, this number can be reduced if patients are detected early and treated properly. The expansion and use of electronic nose have many applications in the healthcare, and a bio-medical field is rapid to accelerate over the past 25 years. Many e-nose technologies have given answers or provided results of complex biomedical and healthcare problems. The purpose of this review is to present the use of e-nose in the medical field, or how e-nose helps in detecting various diseases in human at an early stage so that it can be cured easily. E-nose is a device which is being developed as systems for the detection of miscellaneous odors. These odors can be of food, drinks, cosmetics, medicines, etc. With the help of an array of sensors placed inside it, detection is possible. Various diseases like lung cancer, asthma in children, diagnosis of illness by breathing analysis, prostate cancer, bladder infection, liver cancer, anaerobic infection, yellow fever, smallpox, diabetes, typhoid, uremia, cholera, chronic hepatitis, and many more can be detected with the e-nose device. It is helpful in the medical field, and it can save a number of lives. The growth of e-nose is increasing rapidly due to higher demand. Hence e-nose senses the odor emitted by the body and can detect the possible disease (illness).
Article Information
S. Srivastava*, S. H. Saeed, S. Rahman and S. Kumar
Department of Electronics and Communication, Integral University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
19 February 2015
13 March 2015
27 March 2015
01 April 2015