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ISSN (Online): 2394-9864
ISSN (Print): Applied

International Journal of Life Sciences and Review (IJLSR)

An International Journal published monthly
ICV (2018): 70.64

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Posted by on Sep 15, 2010 in Featured, Gallery, Portfolio | 0 comments



International Journal of Life Sciences and Review (IJLSR) is an official publication of Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research. It is an open access online International Journal...

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Posted by on Sep 15, 2010 in Featured, Portfolio | 0 comments

Why publish with us?

Why publish with us?

Worldwide dissemination through open access Immediate access of research of global audience Authoritative & constructive peer review process Prompt review Indexed with most international bibliographic databases Regular E- alert and sms...

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Posted by on Sep 15, 2010 in Portfolio | 0 comments

Focus and Scope

Focus and Scope

The Journal publishes reviews, research articles and short communications. The scope of the journal is to publish manuscripts relating to Zoology, Botany, Ecology, Cell Biology, Immunology, Environmental Sciences, Toxicology, Aquaculture, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Medical Sciences, Genetics, Biodiversity and Conservation, Taxonomy, Veterinary Sciences, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Molecular Biology, Behavioral Biology, Fisheries, Conservation Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Limnology, Environmental Impact Assessment, Agricultural, Pest Management, Apiculture, Sericulture, Wild Life, Novel Drug Delivery, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Food and Nutrition And Genomics and other life sciences related fields. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specifications. Failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read the instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission. The manuscripts should be checked carefully for grammatical, punctuation errors. All papers are subjected to peer review. All articles published in this journal represent the opinion of the authors and not reflect the official policy of the Journal of International Journal of Life Sciences and Research (IJLSR)....

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Posted by on Sep 15, 2010 in Portfolio | 0 comments

The Masked Model

The Masked Model

Aenean eget dui eros, non lobortis lectus. Vestibulum eleifend laoreet orci ac elementum. Nulla lacinia, orci et sollicitudin ullamcorper, massa risus porta felis, id egestas dolor diam et risus. Pellentesque convallis leo eget lacus cursus dapibus. Sed in nisl at nisi semper malesuada sed fringilla augue. Quisque venenatis felis non velit placerat tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent fermentum malesuada placerat. Phasellus pretium interdum neque, nec accumsan tortor lacinia ut. Fusce eget orci nunc, non sagittis augue. Donec sodales, erat fermentum aliquam interdum, magna metus condimentum ante, nec imperdiet purus sem ac dui. Maecenas enim sapien, ultricies id feugiat nec, blandit at...

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